Interview with Multi-Genre Author Sharon K. Angelici

Author Sharon K. Angelici doesn’t limit herself to one genre and in her ever-growing portfolio she currently works on memoir’s, short fiction, poems, and essays. You could say she has something for everyone.  As a child her mother would often take Sharon to the library and though she didn’t much enjoy reading she loved being surrounded by the isles of books surrounding her. When Sharon reached high school, she completed a very personal piece and her teacher not only encouraged her to continue to write but made it a point to assure Sharon that she was a “great” storyteller. This experience was an overwhelming realization that words truly do have power.

You would never guess that as a child she wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps and join the military so she could eventually explore space. Many days that turned into years were spent daydreaming about Annapolis and being in space but motion sickness and an injury in high school would prevent this from being any more than a dream. She does take pleasure in the NASA Engineering class she took in astronomy and she recalls it as being just as satisfying.

In a surprisingly short 4 months Sharon has completed her current project with an additional 4 months to edit because the story was so difficult to share. Her very first book, ‘Dear Kane; what I wish we would have said’ was written in a single session lasting only a few hours. Sharon can’t help it, she’s always writing. She may be using a notepad app on her phone, tablet, computer, notebook paper, or dictating while fishing but she’s always writing. In the past few months Sharon has been doing a lot of freelance work writing articles simply to encourage a feed her need to write. She also doesn’t believe in writers block. If the story is there and ready to be told it will come.

Though Sharon denies there being a twist to her work, the one I found in her response is an amazing one: honest stories that come from the heart. She immersed herself in what she writes and whether it’s a fictitious setting or a true to lifetime and place she is there. She believes what she writes to be true if not in this time and dimension in another that co-exists with our own. With Sharon being shy and soft spoken but from a beautifully diverse family she often finds inspiration simply sitting quietly and observing those she loves.

Sharon’s interests reach far outside of the written word inspiring her to write She Believed She Could. In a year’s time she decided to do a 365-day challenge encouraging her to explore and experience all the interests she has accumulated in the past 49 years. This is not her only outside interest however, she also enjoys things like romcom, fandom, fly fishing, and sharing an interest in blacksmithing with her son who built his very own forge. A seven-year adventure that has yet to die.

Inspiration and support are far from lacking in Sharon’s life. Her family has been incredible, what she calls her Aussie family (Rach and Roz) of 15 years have been wonderful, and Kathleen from Write With Light Publication has been encouraging in her passion to write. Her inspiration is a dear one, ‘This is the easiest and most difficult question to answer. My mother was/is and will always be an inspiration. She passed away in April of 2018 while I was in the middle of my 365-day challenge. She was filled with curiosity and lived a full life. If I’m fortunate I will be half the woman, she was. I miss her every day. I write about her in She Believed She Could and she has fueled many poems and articles. I wish the world could have been loved by her.’

Sharon writes, it’s what she does. Artist may paint, musicians may make music, and Sharon writes. It’s simply how we are ‘stitched’ together. While volunteering at the Labor of Love music festival for depression and suicide prevention in 2015 she had met a parent with an extraordinary story about loss and regret. The words to Dear Kane; what I wish we would have said poured from Sharon’s soul onto the written page. The need to release the darkness from the experience was too great to ignore. A dear friend Becky insisted she publish it and now the profits from the book are now donated back to Just Live, Inc who is the nonprofit she had volunteered for at the festival.

Of the six books Sharon has written and numerous poems in her archive her absolute favorite is a poem inspired by her mother and father. The poem Fluidity all about the privilege of parenting with the result the joys and achievement of raising a loving human being. You can find the poem in her book of poetry Immortal Human Truth. Sharon’s goal in writing is not to people please but for the followers and fans to feel love and learn from her words. The result has been positive. Her audience is simply the person living in today’s world. Her stories and poetry touch on many different topics making it relatable to anyone who picks it up. Her true goal is inspiring love and kindness. Sharon adds that She Believed She Could has been a special experience and that in the 365-day challenge she went from being casual and cocky to overwhelmed with purpose this adventure would create in her. This piece is more of a memoir giving purpose to those dark times she has experienced in life. Her books are available in paperback on and in Hardcover form at Barnes & Noble. You can find her on her website: , Facebook under the same name, and on Twitter or Instagram she is under @edgyartist. I’m pleased with doing this interview and look forward to hearing from Sharon again.

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